NewTree Ranch is dedicated to socio-economic-ecosystem regeneration; including a robust, solutions-based approach to tackling some of the biggest issues that we face as a species, including climate change and resource and habitat depletion. At the ranch, our visitors can learn strategies for making the critical transition to a more socially and ecologically sensitive (and resilient) way of living.

NewTree Ranch builds living soils. Healthy, biologically diverse, living soils are also critical to absorbing and harvesting rainwater, sequestering carbon, and filtering pollutants. Visitors to NewTree Ranch can learn about (and will experience firsthand) biodynamic soil preparations, composting, animal tractoring, rotational grazing, sheet mulching, and more.

Living Soils

NewTree Ranch recognizes opportunities to re-vitalize water cycles and reduce potable water use by eliminating erosion and harvesting rainwater in tanks, ponds, and contouring the landscape to store water in the soil providing for irrigation needs, and creating wildlife habitat.

Vital Water Cycles

We are committed to dramatically reducing our waste and meeting our own energy needs here at the ranch. Solar panels have become an increasingly affordable option for harvesting onsite energy (we have integrated 250 and counting), and there are also many accessible, ‘passive’ ways we harvest energy and reduce our consumption.

Energy Wise

Specifying local and onsite materials for construction reduces the carbon footprint of our projects. Rotational grazing can eliminate the need for mechanical equipment and offsite amendments. And eating locally produced food and less meat also radically reduces our energy and water use.

Reducing Carbon Footprint

As vital members of our biodynamic ecosystem, they freely graze our fields, they enrich our soil and provide manure for our farm. As teachers, they provide our guests and the public with experiences that help them to connect to nature in direct and intimate ways.

Animal Sanctuary

Forest and watershed health are critical to human survival and climate change moderation. NewTree Ranch practices fuel load reduction and fire thinning techniques, erosion and noxious invasive species removal, and native habitat planting as a means of regenerating the beautiful surrounding forests and streams.

Forest and Watershed Stewardship

NewTree Farm aspires to be an educational model for both the local community and visitors from further afield, creating public and private partnerships with schools, growers, and local organizations that share this vision of community and earth regeneration.

Educational Model